
Taurus Full Moon

Breaking Free From Limitations

The Full Moon in Taurus brings with it a powerful alignment, as Uranus—the planet of the unexpected—joins the Moon in this earthy, fixed sign. Uranus is known for shaking things up and bringing sudden revelations, especially in areas of life where we tend to prefer stability and predictability. Taurus, as a fixed earth sign, thrives on consistency, but Uranus is anything but consistent. This Full Moon invites us to confront where we've become stagnant or stuck, nudging us to break free from outdated beliefs and patterns.

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The Full Moon and Uranus: Confronting Stagnation

Uranus' conjunction with the Full Moon in Taurus can stir unexpected events and shake us from complacency. If we’ve been resisting change or holding on to old ways of thinking, this energy can feel like a wake-up call. Uranus asks us to challenge the status quo and to look beyond the surface. What areas of our lives have we grown too comfortable in? What beliefs or patterns are limiting our growth?


Mars and Pluto: Getting to the Root of Our Anger

With Mars and Pluto in opposition, we are being asked to dive deeper into our reactions, especially those related to anger, power struggles, and control. This aspect isn’t about brushing emotions aside but rather about doing the inner work to understand them. It challenges us to confront the darker, hidden aspects of our emotional landscape and to take ownership of our feelings, rather than projecting them outwardly.

The Mars-Pluto opposition is not a quick transit—it will last several months—giving us ample time to explore our emotional undercurrents and work through any unresolved tensions. It’s a powerful call to get to the root of our personal and collective frustrations, especially during a time when many may feel personally victimized by current events. This opposition, paired with the Moon’s conjunction to Uranus, pushes us to rise above the polarizing dynamics of the moment and seek a higher, more expansive perspective.

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Expanding Beyond the Emotional Reaction: Uranus and Compassion

While this Full Moon is about awakening to new insights, it also asks us to activate our compassion. The Moon’s sextile to Neptune helps us see beyond our initial reactions and consider alternative viewpoints that may have been invisible to us before. Compassion, both for ourselves and others, is essential now. Uranus is encouraging us to think outside of the box and challenge old ways of thinking—both in the world around us and within ourselves.

Mercury Opposes Jupiter: Expanding Mental Horizons

In addition to the Full Moon, we also have an opposition between Mercury and Jupiter, which further supports the theme of expanding our mental horizons. Mercury, the planet of communication, is in Sagittarius, and Jupiter, the planet of growth and wisdom, is in Gemini. This opposition creates an opening for expansive conversations and big ideas to flow freely.

This alignment opens up possibilities for us to break through mental limitations. It encourages deep conversations, mental exploration, and a shift in perspective that can lead to profound breakthroughs. What new potential can you uncover in places where you once felt stuck or confined? The key is to remain open and curious.

Jupiter’s Influence: Opportunities for Growth and Healing

Jupiter’s sextile to Chiron—the Wounded Healer—during this Full Moon also offers opportunities for healing and growth. This aspect encourages us to move beyond the wounds and limitations that have kept us trapped. We are invited to expand beyond our old stories of inadequacy or fear. As limitations fall away, we may discover new aspects of ourselves we never knew existed.

Jupiter is also acting as a protective force in the chart, offering a benevolent energy that softens the intensity of the other oppositions—especially those between the Sun and Moon in Scorpio and Taurus, and Mars and Pluto. Jupiter’s influence helps diffuse potential disharmony, creating space for growth and healing.

Closing Karmic Cycles: Pluto’s Final Full Moon in Capricorn

This Full Moon marks the final Full Moon with Pluto in Capricorn, signaling the end of a significant karmic cycle. Pluto’s journey through Capricorn has been about transformation on a deep, structural level—shifting our values around power, authority, and responsibility. As Pluto prepares to move into Aquarius, this Full Moon serves as a ceremonial closing of that chapter, with Uranus—Aquarius’ ruler—playing a central role in the energy of the moment.

Venus in Capricorn: Setting Ambitious Goals

Finally, we cannot overlook Venus, the ruler of this Full Moon chart, as Venus governs Taurus. Venus is currently in Capricorn, the sign of achievement, structure, and long-term goals. This is a time when our values are aligning with our ambitions, and we may feel motivated to take concrete steps toward establishing ourselves in new ways.

Venus in Capricorn encourages us to set practical, ambitious goals—particularly around what we love, value, and desire. With Uranus in the mix, we are being urged to think outside the box and go after what truly excites us, even if it feels unconventional. This is the moment to break free from limiting beliefs about what’s possible and aim high.

This Full Moon is a potent moment for personal and collective transformation. Uranus is here to help us break free from old patterns and expand our consciousness, while the interplay of Jupiter, Mercury, and Chiron invites us to explore new mental and emotional landscapes. Pluto’s closing chapter in Capricorn, combined with Neptune’s intuitive energy, sets the stage for breakthroughs that can help us move beyond past limitations and fully embrace the potential of the future.

As we navigate these powerful energies, the question remains: What greater potential is possible for you? What areas of your life can you surprise yourself in? Let this Full Moon be an invitation to push past your comfort zones, release the past, and reach for a higher perspective—both personally and collectively.

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We’re working with Chiron energies in a big way in 2024! Last year I taught a class on Chiron that you may want to check out in preparation for the big energies between Chiron and the Sun in February! Here are the topics covered:

You can watch my 4 short videos on Chiron here.


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