
Aries Full Moon

A Catalyst for Big Shifts

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The Aries Full Moon isn’t just any full moon—it's another Super Moon (very close to the earth) with intense Mars energy, pushing us to take courageous action. The Cardinal Grand Cross elicits tension, and we may feel compelled to get things started in multiple areas of our lives, but the Water Grand Trine and Jupiter’s friendly aspects provide support as we meet the intense shifts happening. Chiron’s conjunction to the Moon creates a catalyst for healing and an opportunity for massive growth.

The Cardinal Grand Cross is a potent aspect that stirs up tension, but also drives us toward breakthroughs. The signs involved—Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn—each represent critical aspects of our lives: personal will, home and family, relationships, and structure. With the Full Moon amplifying the nodal axis (Aries and Libra), we’re again lighting up conflicts between our desires and the wants and needs of others.

Using your will and trying to force what you want is not going to be a winning strategy for this lunation. Pluto’s overpowering energy will have us facing what comes up for us when we can’t get what we want. Instead, make an effort to lean in to challenging feelings you may have previously avoided.

It is the perfect time to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, open to and make time for tuning in to inspirational solutions, as well as your own personal intuitive guidance coming through.



We’re working with Chiron energies in a big way in 2024! Last year I taught a class on Chiron that you may want to check out in preparation for the big energies between Chiron and the Sun in February! Here are the topics covered:

You can watch my 4 short videos on Chiron here.


Healy has been my favorite way to gain more nervous system adaptability and balance my biofield. There is even a program called “Planets” for running frequencies to support creating more coherency during challenging transits!

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