Two Minutes Hate or Time to Tune In?
An analysis and transmission on the current energies involving Pluto, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune
I woke feeling a sense of angst this morning. For some reason, whether from a dream or some subconscious thought, I was reminded of the horrifying scene from Orwell’s 1984 when the narrator describes the daily practice of “Two Minutes Hate,” where the characters are placed in front of a screen and stirred into an ecstatic state of hate and violence:
“The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge-hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.”
There’s an energy of this right now, perhaps you’ve sensed it too? Things are definitely on-edge and uneasy. We’re annoyed and frustrated, as highlighted by the current chart where Mars opposes Pluto, reflective of deep psychological wounding being the triggered. It is a common play of the powers that be to stir the pot, use our traumas to provoke us into reasonless mania. As Pluto stands at 0 degrees Aquarius, the sign ruling humanitarianism and social groups, we are vulnerable to being triggered right now. Our stories of powerlessness, exploitation and victimization could easily be feasted on by those who want to control the masses in a version of the modern day Two Minutes of Hate, now available as a continuous stream of alerts, notifications and breaking stories.
It’s been said so often that it’s become cliche: Orwell had foresight. Though we often don’t want to accept where we’ve been misled, controlled, and the victim of propaganda, the current energies are both lighting up frustrations, but also offering perspective as both Pluto and Mars find support from Neptune, the enlightened planet that asks us to pause, take an eagle’s eye perspective, rather than react with the expected trauma response. We are asked to tune in to the energies and see what we haven’t before. Perhaps as we do this we will become aware of the ways we’ve been manipulated time and again, as new insights and revelations come to light.
Two minutes seems to be an exact equation, hinting at the purposeful psychological game be had, and Pluto is the planet ruling over all things psychological. Perhaps little damage and violence can actually be done in a mere 2-minutes? Perhaps it’s just long enough to keep one captive to the psy-op? Could it be that anything beyond 2 minutes would start to look too absurd and risk becoming obvious to all?
For these truths to become obvious would mean that we must accept that the governing bodies that we have been told are here to look out for and protect us may have the opposite of our well-being in mind. This very suggestion rubs up against many years of conditioning that education and society seeks to imbibe us with. Still worse, the truth that we have been kept in a traumatized state through modern day Two Minutes Hate, where we are captive to the cascade of new viruses to fear and new social dilemmas to be outraged about…all the while the powers that be hide behind the curtain dangling whatever carrot will stir us into a tumultuous emotional fever.
They have us easily at one another’s throats, each time repeating the same old insidious tactics that rouse our insecurities and trauma responses around being relevant, morally correct, virtuous and righteous. Keeping us inured with fear and rage is psychological abuse, and yet we aim the suppressed rage at one another time and again, carefully inspecting every conversation for nuances of offense. It is often easier to go along with such abuse rather than face the truth that we are not protected by these agencies, and they do not have our best interests at heart. This is deeply unsettling, but it is exactly the energies being roused from our collective basements as Pluto in self-righteous Aquarius is stirred by Mars in over-sensitive Cancer.
“A tedious ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness” may be in the works with Jupiter and Pluto opposing one another at 0 degrees of Taurus and Aquarius, and Mars edging at the anoretic degree of Cancer. Will there be another psychological experiment to persuade the masses? Or will Neptune’s influences help us to come our senses? Let’s look more deeply at the Sabian symbols for 0 degrees of Taurus and 0 degrees of Aquarius.
0 Taurus: A clear mountain stream.
“Pure, innocent spontaneity as a way of life. Spontaneous authenticity.”
From this imagery, I sense the purest, untainted essence of our character. A newborn baby, a blank canvas. As we move from the fire sign of Aries which has activated our potential and lit our being with inspiration into the earth sign of Taurus, for a moment we are the embodiment of pure inspiration. We are flow, sans resistance.
0 Aquarius: An old adobe mission.
“Some aspects of life are more important than others and we build lasting forms for those that we want to outlive us. Building structures of survival with your group.” This symbol implies that it is essential to carry on our important traditions. What we leave behind reflects directly the value of our heritage. As we move from the earth sign of Capricorn (structures) into the heady, intellectual air sign of Aquarius, we are reminded that the value of our heritage is embodied in the traditions we leave behind.
While 0 Taurus is the ecstatic state of pure and unadulterated inspiration soon to be imbued with purpose, 0 Aquarius is structure already imbued with a specific significance. The conflict embodied by the squaring of both these symbolic degree points is how to strike a balance between our need to stay open, like an empty chalice ready to be filled with divine inspiration, while acknowledging the support we receive from traditions. Indeed it seems to evoke the essential point that in order to move forward, we will need to leave something behind so that we can be filled with something new. These are very different concepts to try to combine, and thus the conflict of the square is echoed. Furthermore, how do we ensure that our advancements are aligned with our spiritual path?
The energies of this chart evoke American psychologist, Timothy Leary’s advice to “Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out.” Not what those words came to mean by popular culture, but his true meaning. In his 1983 autobiography, Leary explains that his advice was often misconstrued to mean: “Get stoned and abandon all constructive activity.’" When in reality, the advice is quite the opposite:
“Turn on' meant go within to activate your neural and genetic equipment. Become sensitive to the many and various levels of consciousness and the specific triggers that engage them. Drugs were one way to accomplish this end.” Here I sense Pluto’s role, mobilizing us to dive deep into the psychology and understanding what is being brought to the surface.
"Tune in' meant interact harmoniously with the world around you - externalize, materialize, express your new internal perspectives.” Here I sense Jupiter’s role in Taurus of activating harmonious, expansive relationships with others as well as with the earth. Also, the sense of self-reliance and self-sufficiency that is ready to be activated after having spent time in the sign of Aries.
“Drop out suggested an elective, selective, graceful process of detachment from involuntary or unconscious commitments. 'Drop Out' meant self-reliance, a discovery of one's singularity, a commitment to mobility, choice, and change.” Here I sense Neptune’s role of taking the spiritual high road rather than reacting out of a trauma response. It is through Neptune’s energy that we can receive the perspective and consciousness that allows us to transform our reality.
While many have taken Leary’s words to mean “get high” and “give up,” it’s actually powerful advice on how to deal with energies like those we are currently experiencing. We need an equal amount of self introspection, vision, clarity and self-reliance to move forward without succumbing to irrational behavior. All the energies in the chart: Pluto, Jupiter Mars, and Neptune are therefore essential to integrate to move through our current state, lest we become consumed (and controlled), once again, by lower frequencies.